Source code for loguru._parser

import re
from os import PathLike

[docs]class Parser: """An object to more easily parse generated logs. The |Parser| provide a set of handful methods likely to be used while parsing logs for post-processing. You should not instaniate a |Parser| by yourself, use ``from loguru import parser`` instead. .. |Parser| replace:: :class:`~loguru._parser.Parser` .. |dict| replace:: :class:`dict` .. |str| replace:: :class:`str` .. |int| replace:: :class:`int` .. |Path| replace:: :class:`pathlib.Path` .. |match.groupdict| replace:: :meth:`re.Match.groupdict()` .. |file-like object| replace:: ``file-like object`` .. _file-like object: .. |re.Pattern| replace:: ``re.Pattern`` .. _re.Pattern: .. |re.Match| replace:: ``re.Match`` .. _re.Match: """
[docs] @staticmethod def cast(_dict, **kwargs): """Convert values of a dict to others defined types. This is a convenient function used to cast dict values resulting from parsed logs from |str| to a more appropriate type. Parameters ---------- _dict : |dict| The dict to which values type should be changed. **kwargs Mapping between keys of the input ``_dict`` and the function that should be used to convert the associated value. Returns ------- :class:`dict` A copy of the input dictionnary with values converted to the appropriate type. Example ------- >>> dico = {"some": "text", "num": "42", "date": "2018-09-12 22:23:24"} >>> parser.cast(dico, num=int, date=lambda t: datetime.strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") {'some': 'text', 'num': 42, 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 12, 22, 23, 24)} """ dict_ = _dict.copy() for key, converter in kwargs.items(): if key in dict_: dict_[key] = converter(dict_[key]) return dict_
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(file, pattern, *, chunk=2 ** 16): """ Parse raw logs to extract each entry as a |dict|. The logging format has to be specified as the regex ``pattern``, it will then be used to parse the ``file`` and retrieve each entries based on the named groups present in the regex. Parameters ---------- file : |str|, |Path| or |file-like object|_ The path of the log file to be parsed, or alternatively an already opened file object. pattern : |str| or |re.Pattern|_ The regex to use for logs parsing, it should contain named groups which will be included in the returned dict. chunk : |int|, optional The number of bytes read while iterating through the logs, this avoid having to load the whole file in memory. Yields ------ :class:`dict` The dict mapping regex named groups to matched values, as returned by |match.groupdict|. Examples -------- >>> reg = r"(?P<lvl>[0-9]+): (?P<msg>.*)" # If log format is "{} - {message}" >>> for e in parser.parse("file.log", reg): # A file line could be "10 - A debug message" ... print(e) # => {'lvl': '10', 'msg': 'A debug message'} """ if isinstance(file, (str, PathLike)): should_close = True fileobj = open(str(file)) elif hasattr(file, "read") and callable( should_close = False fileobj = file else: raise ValueError( "Invalid file, it should be a string path or a file object, not: '%s'" % type(file).__name__ ) try: regex = re.compile(pattern) except TypeError: raise ValueError( "Invalid pattern, it should be a string or a compiled regex, not: '%s'" % type(pattern).__name__ ) matches = Parser._find_iter(fileobj, regex, chunk) for match in matches: yield match.groupdict() if should_close: fileobj.close()
@staticmethod def _find_iter(fileobj, regex, chunk): buffer = while 1: text = buffer += text matches = list(regex.finditer(buffer)) if not text: yield from matches break if len(matches) > 1: end = matches[-2].end() buffer = buffer[end:] yield from matches[:-1]