Type hints

Loguru relies on a stub file to document its types. This implies that these types are not accessible during execution of your program, however they can be used by type checkers and IDE. Also, this means that your Python interpreter has to support postponed evaluation of annotations to prevent error at runtime. This is achieved with a __future__ import in Python 3.7 or by using string literals for earlier versions.

A basic usage example could look like this:

import loguru
from loguru import logger

def good_sink(message: loguru.Message):
    print("My name is", message.record["name"])

def bad_filter(record: loguru.Record):
    return record["invalid"]

logger.add(good_sink, filter=bad_filter)
$ mypy test.py
test.py:8: error: TypedDict "Record" has no key 'invalid'
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

There are several internal types to which you can be exposed using Loguru’s public API, they are listed here and might be useful to type hint your code:

  • Logger: the usual Logger object (also returned by opt(), bind() and patch()).
  • Message: the formatted logging message sent to the sinks (a str with record attribute).
  • Record: the dict containing all contextual information of the logged message.
  • Level: the namedtuple returned by level() (with name, no, color and icon attributes).
  • Catcher: the context decorator returned by catch().
  • RecordFile: the record["file"] with name and path attributes.
  • RecordLevel: the record["level"] with name, no and icon attributes.
  • RecordThread: the record["thread"] with id and name attributes.
  • RecordProcess: the record["process"] with id and name attributes.
  • RecordException: the record["exception"] with type, value and traceback attributes.

See also: Source code for type hints.