Switching from standard logging to loguru

Fundamental differences between logging and loguru

Although loguru is written “from scratch” and does not rely on standard logging internally, both libraries serve the same purpose: provide functionalities to implement a flexible event logging system. The main difference is that standard logging requires the user to explicitly instantiate named Logger and configure them with Handler, Formatter and Filter, while loguru tries to narrow down the amount of configuration steps.

Apart from that, usage is globally the same, once the logger object is created or imported you can start using it to log messages with the appropriate severity (logger.debug("Dev message"), logger.warning("Danger!"), etc.), messages which are then sent to the configured handlers.

As for standard logging, default logs are sent to sys.stderr rather than sys.stdout. The POSIX standard specifies that stderr is the correct stream for “diagnostic output”. The main compelling case in favor or logging to stderr is that it avoids mixing the actual output of the application with debug information. Consider for example pipe-redirection like python my_app.py | other_app which would not be possible if logs were emitted to stdout. Another major benefit is that Python resolves encoding issues on sys.stderr by escaping faulty characters ("backslashreplace" policy) while it raises an UnicodeEncodeError ("strict" policy) on sys.stdout.

Replacing getLogger() function

It is usual to call getLogger() at the beginning of each file to retrieve and use a logger across your module, like this: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__).

Using Loguru, there is no need to explicitly get and name a logger, from loguru import logger suffices. Each time this imported logger is used, a record is created and will automatically contain the contextual __name__ value.

As for standard logging, the name attribute can then be used to format and filter your logs.

Replacing Logger objects

Loguru replaces the standard Logger configuration by a proper sink definition. Instead of configuring a logger, you should add() and parametrize your handlers. The setLevel() and addFilter() are suppressed by the configured sink level and filter parameters. The propagate attribute and disable() function can be replaced by the filter option too. The makeRecord() method can be replaced using the record["extra"] dict.

Sometimes, more fine-grained control is required over a particular logger. In such case, Loguru provides the bind() method which can be in particular used to generate a specifically named logger.

For example, by calling other_logger = logger.bind(name="other"), each message logged using other_logger will populate the record["extra"] dict with the name value, while using logger won’t. This permits differentiating logs from logger or other_logger from within your sink or filter function.

Let suppose you want a sink to log only some very specific messages:

def specific_only(record):
    return "specific" in record["extra"]

logger.add("specific.log", filter=specific_only)

specific_logger = logger.bind(specific=True)

logger.info("General message")          # This is filtered-out by the specific sink
specific_logger.info("Module message")  # This is accepted by the specific sink (and others)

Another example, if you want to attach one sink to one named logger:

# Only write messages from "a" logger
logger.add("a.log", filter=lambda record: record["extra"].get("name") == "a")
# Only write messages from "b" logger
logger.add("b.log", filter=lambda record: record["extra"].get("name") == "b")

logger_a = logger.bind(name="a")
logger_b = logger.bind(name="b")

logger_a.info("Message A")
logger_b.info("Message B")

Replacing Handler, Filter and Formatter objects

Standard logging requires you to create an Handler object and then call addHandler(). Using Loguru, the handlers are started using add(). The sink defines how the handler should manage incoming logging messages, as would do handle() or emit(). To log from multiple modules, you just have to import the logger, all messages will be dispatched to the added handlers.

While calling add(), the level parameter replaces setLevel(), the format parameter replaces setFormatter(), the filter parameter replaces addFilter(). The thread-safety is managed automatically by Loguru, so there is no need for createLock(), acquire() nor release(). The equivalent method of removeHandler() is remove() which should be used with the identifier returned by add().

Note that you don’t necessarily need to replace your Handler objects because add() accepts them as valid sinks.

In short, you can replace:


fh = logging.FileHandler("spam.log")

ch = logging.StreamHandler()

formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")



fmt = "{time} - {name} - {level} - {message}"
logger.add("spam.log", level="DEBUG", format=fmt)
logger.add(sys.stderr, level="ERROR", format=fmt)

Replacing LogRecord objects

In Loguru, the equivalence of a LogRecord instance is a simple dict which stores the details of a logged message. To find the correspondence with LogRecord attributes, please refer to the “record dict” documentation which lists all available keys.

This dict is attached to each logged message through a special record attribute of the str-like object received by sinks. For example:

def simple_sink(message):
    # A simple sink can use "message" as a basic string and ignore the "record" attribute.
    print(message, end="")

def advanced_sink(message):
    # An advanced sink can use the "record" attribute to access contextual information.
    record = message.record

    if record["level"].no >= 50:
        file_path = record["file"].path
        print(f"Critical error in {file_path}", end="", file=sys.stderr)
        print(message, end="")


As explained in the previous sections, the record dict is also available during invocation of filtering and formatting functions.

If you need to extend the record dict with custom information similarly to what was possible with setLogRecordFactory(), you can simply use the patch() method to add the desired keys to the record["extra"] dict.

Replacing % style formatting of messages

Loguru only supports {}-style formatting.

You have to replace logger.debug("Some variable: %s", var) with logger.debug("Some variable: {}", var). All *args and **kwargs passed to a logging function are used to call message.format(*args, **kwargs). Arguments which do not appear in the message string are simply ignored. Note that passing arguments to logging functions like this may be useful to (slightly) improve performances: it avoids formatting the message if the level is too low to pass any configured handler.

For converting the general format used by Formatter, refer to list of available record tokens.

For converting the date format used by datefmt, refer to list of available date tokens.

Replacing exc_info argument

While calling standard logging function, you can pass exc_info as an argument to add stacktrace to the message. Instead of that, you should use the opt() method with exception parameter, replacing logger.debug("Debug error:", exc_info=True) with logger.opt(exception=True).debug("Debug error:").

The formatted exception will include the whole stacktrace and variables. To prevent that, make sure to use backtrace=False and diagnose=False while adding your sink.

Replacing extra argument and LoggerAdapter objects

To pass contextual information to log messages, replace extra by inlining bind() method:

context = {"clientip": "", "user": "fbloggs"}

logger.info("Protocol problem", extra=context)   # Standard logging
logger.bind(**context).info("Protocol problem")  # Loguru

This will add context information to the record["extra"] dict of your logged message, so make sure to configure your handler format adequately:

fmt = "%(asctime)s %(clientip)s %(user)s %(message)s"     # Standard logging
fmt = "{time} {extra[clientip]} {extra[user]} {message}"  # Loguru

You can also replace LoggerAdapter by calling logger = logger.bind(clientip="") before using it, or by assigning the bound logger to a class instance:

class MyClass:

    def __init__(self, clientip):
        self.logger = logger.bind(clientip=clientip)

    def func(self):
        self.logger.debug("Running func")

Replacing isEnabledFor() method

If you wish to log useful information for your debug logs, but don’t want to pay the performance penalty in release mode while no debug handler is configured, standard logging provides the isEnabledFor() method:

if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
    logger.debug("Message data: %s", expensive_func())

You can replace this with the opt() method and lazy option:

# Arguments should be functions which will be called if needed
logger.opt(lazy=True).debug("Message data: {}", expensive_func)

Replacing addLevelName() and getLevelName() functions

To add a new custom level, you can replace addLevelName() with the level() function:

logging.addLevelName(33, "CUSTOM")                       # Standard logging
logger.level("CUSTOM", no=45, color="<red>", icon="🚨")  # Loguru

The same function can be used to replace getLevelName():

logger.getLevelName(33)  # => "CUSTOM"
logger.level("CUSTOM")   # => (name='CUSTOM', no=33, color="<red>", icon="🚨")

Note that contrary to standard logging, Loguru doesn’t associate severity number to any level, levels are only identified by their name.

Replacing basicConfig() and dictConfig() functions

The basicConfig() and dictConfig() functions are replaced by the configure() method.

This does not accept config.ini files, though, so you have to handle that yourself using your favorite format.

Replacing captureWarnings() function

The captureWarnings() function which redirects alerts from the warnings module to the logging system can be implemented by simply replacing warnings.showwarning() function as follow:

import warnings
from loguru import logger

showwarning_ = warnings.showwarning

def showwarning(message, *args, **kwargs):
    showwarning_(message, *args, **kwargs)

warnings.showwarning = showwarning

Replacing assertLogs() method from unittest library

The assertLogs() method defined in the unittest from standard library is used to capture and test logged messages. However, it can’t be made compatible with Loguru. It needs to be replaced with a custom context manager possibly implemented as follows:

from contextlib import contextmanager

def capture_logs(level="INFO", format="{level}:{name}:{message}"):
    """Capture loguru-based logs."""
    output = []
    handler_id = logger.add(output.append, level=level, format=format)
    yield output

It provides the list of logged messages for each of which you can access the record attribute. Here is a usage example:

def do_something(val):
    if val < 0:
        logger.error("Invalid value")
        return 0
    return val * 2

class TestDoSomething(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_do_something_good(self):
        with capture_logs() as output:
        self.assertEqual(output, [])

    def test_do_something_bad(self):
        with capture_logs() as output:
        self.assertEqual(len(output), 1)
        message = output[0]
        self.assertIn("Invalid value", message)
        self.assertEqual(message.record["level"].name, "ERROR")

See also

See testing logging for more information.

Replacing caplog fixture from pytest library

pytest is a very common testing framework. The caplog fixture captures logging output so that it can be tested against. For example:

from loguru import logger

def some_func(a, b):
    if a < 0:
        logger.warning("Oh no!")
    return a + b

def test_some_func(caplog):
    assert some_func(-1, 3) == 2
    assert "Oh no!" in caplog.text

If you’ve followed all the migration guidelines thus far, you’ll notice that this test will fail. This is because pytest links to the standard library’s logging module.

So to fix things, we need to add a sink that propagates Loguru to the caplog handler. This is done by overriding the caplog fixture to capture its handler. In your conftest.py file, add the following:

import pytest
from loguru import logger
from _pytest.logging import LogCaptureFixture

def caplog(caplog: LogCaptureFixture):
    handler_id = logger.add(
        filter=lambda record: record["level"].no >= caplog.handler.level,
        enqueue=False,  # Set to 'True' if your test is spawning child processes.
    yield caplog

Run your tests and things should all be working as expected. Additional information can be found in GH#59 and GH#474. You can also install and use the pytest-loguru package created by @mcarans.

Note that if you want Loguru logs to be propagated to Pytest terminal reporter, you can do so by overriding the reportlog fixture as follows:

import pytest
from loguru import logger

def reportlog(pytestconfig):
    logging_plugin = pytestconfig.pluginmanager.getplugin("logging-plugin")
    handler_id = logger.add(logging_plugin.report_handler, format="{message}")

Finally, when dealing with the --log-cli-level command-line flag, remember that this option controls the standard logging logs, not loguru ones. For this reason, you must first install a PropagateHandler for compatibility:

def propagate_logs():

    class PropagateHandler(logging.Handler):
        def emit(self, record):
            if logging.getLogger(record.name).isEnabledFor(record.levelno):

    logger.add(PropagateHandler(), format="{message}")

See also

See testing logging for more information.